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Home IMWA Meetings IMWA Symposia Presentations 2010

Presentations 2010

”International Mine Water Association Symposium – Mine Water and Innovative Thinking“

Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada 2010

Proceedings papers can be found here.

PPTAdams, D. Jack; Peoples, Michael (2010): New Electrobiochemical Reactor and Water Gas Mixing Technology for Removal of Metals, Nitrate, and BOD.

PPTAlakangas, Lena; Nason, Peter (2010): Declining element concentrations in groundwater after remediation in sulphide-rich tailings at Kristineberg, northern Sweden.

PPTAmaral Filho, Juarez Ramos do; Schneider, Ivo André Homrich; Tubino, Rejane M.C.; Brum, Irineu A.S. de; Miltzarek, Gerson; Sampaio, Carlos H; Schneider, Carlos H (2010): Characterization of a Coal Tailing Deposit for Zero Waste Mine in the Brazilian Coal Field of Santa Catarina.

PPTAmboni, Mirlene Meis; Zanuz, Marcio; Campos, Jonathan Jurandir; Gomes, Cleber Jose Baldoni (2010): Qualitative and Quantitative Representation of the Coal Mining Impact in the Rivers of Santa Catarina State, Brazil.

PPTAsapo, Emmanuel Sesofia; Coles, Cynthia Anne (2010): Batch and Kinetic Studies of Ni and Co on Highly Humified Newfoundland Peat.

PPTBäckström, Mattias (2010): Environmental impact from an alum shale deposit, Kvarntorp, Sweden.

PPTBäckström, Mattias; Sartz, Lotta; Karlsson, Stefan; Allard, Bert (2010): Prevention of ARD through stabilization of waste rock with alkaline by-products - results from a meso-scale experiment.

PPTBeckingham, Neil (2010): Hatch Water Tampa Design & Supple of the Bartow Process Water Treatment Plant.

PPTBehrooz, Mehrnoosh; Borden, Robert C (2010): Controlling Sulfidic Tailings Oxidation with Surface Application of Crude Glycerol – Column Experiments.

PPTBellin, James; Bonson, Christopher; Jack, Alice (2010): The importance of geotechnical characterisation and structural interpretation in predicting fracture flow to mines.

PPTBender, Michael; Long, Dejiang; Fitch, Murray (2010): Oil Sands Mining Water Use and Management.

PPTBouzahzah, Hassan; Benzaazoua, Mostafa; Bussière, Bruno (2010): A modified protocol of the ASTM normalized humidity cell test as laboratory weathering method of mill tailings.

PPTBraungardt, Charlotte Barbara; Buterfield, Martin; Wajrak, Magdalena (2010): On-site mine water analysis: application note for the PDV6000plus.

PPTBreckenridge, Larry (2010): Evapotranspiration Caps for Mine Waste Closure – Case Studies in Extreme Environments.

PPTCampbell, Belinda; Gauthier, Andre (2010): Development of Remedial Objectives for the former Cape Breton Development Corporation Mine Closure Program.

PPTCandiota Tubino, Rejane Maria (2010): Possibility of removing metals from acid mine drainage using industry waste processing agates as adsorbent.

PPTCastro, Leonardo Mitre Alvim de; Cordeiro, José Roberto Centeno; Souza, Ana Katiuscia Pastana de; Oliveira, Gilcimar Pires Cabral (2010): A Water Resources Management System as a tool to guarantee the water supply of an iron ore mining project in Brazil.

PPTChimhanda, Wadzanai; Wolkersdorfer, Christian; Cirpka, Olaf (2010): Hydrogeochemical and IsotopicInvestigation of the Mine Water in the 1BMine Pool of the Sydney Coal Field, Nova Scotia, Canada.

PPTCidu, Rosa; Frau, Franco (2010): Natural attenuation of contaminants in mine drainage at abandoned mines.

PPTClark, John Peter (2010): Treatment of Mine Site Runoff Containing Suspended Solids Using Sedimentation Ponds – Optimizing Flocculant Addition to Ensure Discharge Compliance.

PPTClark, Sharon; Muhlbauer, Ritva (2010): Mine Closure Water Management: Choosing the Right Alternative within a Changing Environment.

PPTColling, Angéli Viviani; Menezes, Jean Carlo Salomé dos Santos; Silveira, Pricila Silva; Schneider, Ivo André Homrich (2010): Biohydrometallurgical Process to Produce the Coagulant Ferric Sulfate from the Pyrite Present in Coal Tailings.

PPTCravotta III, Charles A; Parkhurst, David L; Means, Brent P; McKenzie, Robert M; Arthur, William (2010): Using the Computer Program AMDTreat with a PHREEQC Titration Module to Compute Caustic Quantity, Effluent Quality, and Sludge Volume.

PPTCukrowska, Ewa Maria; Lusilao-Makiese, Julien; Tessier, Emmanuel; Amouroux, David; Weiersbye, Isabel (2010): Mercury speciation in gold-mining environments – determination and development of predictive models for transformation, transport, immobilisation and retardation.

PPTde Beer, Marinda; Maree, Jannie (2010): Acid Mine Water Reclamation using the ABC Process. – In: Wolkersdorfer, Ch. & Freund, A.: Mine Water & Innovative Thinking.

PPTDeSisto, Stephanie L.; Parsons, Michael B.; Jamieson, Heather E. (2010): Using Hydrogeochemical Data to Improve Remediation of Historical Gold Mine Tailings in Nova Scotia.

PPTDickin, Rob; Mills, Ryan; Bright, Doug; Runnells, Joanna (2010): Assessment of Atlin-Ruffner Abandoned Mine, BC, Canada.

PPTDye, Peter John; Weiersbye, Isabel (2010): The Mine Woodlands Project in the Witwatersrand Basin, South Africa: research strategy and progress.

PPTFernández-Rubio, Rafael; Lorca Fernández, David (2010): Artificial recharge of groundwater in mining.

PPTForgeron, Steve Vincent (2010): Protocols for the Remediation of Lands Impacted by Former Coal Mining Operations, Sydney Coalfield, Nova Scotia, Canada.

PPTForrester, Dave; King, Mark; Hilchey, Jeff (2010): Remediation of the Gowrie Wash Plant.

PPTForrester, Dave; Noble, Bruce (2010): Overcoming the Pitfalls of abandoned mine workings in the Sydney Coalfield.

PPTFriese, Kurt; Koschorreck, Matthias; Katrin, Wendt-Potthoff; Martin, Schultze; Walter, Geller (2010): Application of whey to prevent re-oxidation in a passive anoxic in-lake reactor - success and failure.

PPTGautama, Rudy Sayoga; Kusuma, Ginting Jalu; Lestari, Iin; Anggana, Rachmanta P (2010): Weathering Behaviour of Overburden-Coal Ash Blending in Relation to Overburden Management for Acid Mine Drainage Prevention in Coal Surface Mine.

PPTGenty, Thomas; Bussière, Bruno; Zagury, Gérald J.; Benzaazoua, Mostafa (2010): Passive treatment of high-iron acid mine drainage using sulphate reducing bacteria: comparison between eight biofilter mixtures.

PPTGeroni, Jennifer Nia (2010): The potential for semi-passive mine water treatment by CO2 stripping at Ynysarwed, S.Wales. .

PPTGodwin, Amy Lynn; Lee, Peter Ferguson; Conly, Andrew George; Goold, Andrea R. (2010): Predicting toxicity of future combined pit lakes at the former Steeprock Iron Mine near Atikokan, Ontario.

PPTGossel, Wolfgang; Stollberg, Reiner; Wycisk, Peter (2010): Modelling of environmental impacts of 140 years of open pit lignite mining and chemical industry on groundwater contaminants in the Bitterfeld area (Germany).

PPTHamai, Takaya; Okumura, Masao (2010): A result of batch test to select effective co-precipitator of zinc containing mine drainage treatment.

PPTHarck, Terry Richard (2010): Mobilisation of salts from mine waste. A pinch or a pound?.

PPTHedin, Bob (2010): Sustained Treatment of AMD Containing Al and Fe3+ with Limestone Aggregate.

PPTJanneck, Eberhard; Arnold, Ingolf; Koch, Thomas; Meyer, Jürgen; Burghardt, Diana; Ehinger, Susan (2010): Microbial synthesis of schwertmannite from lignite mine water and its utilization for removal of arsenic from mine waters and for production of iron pigments.

PPTJarvis, Adam Paul; Gandy, Catherine Jane (2010): A case study of long-term geochemical evolution of coal waste rock drainage and its remediation.

PPTJohnson, Christopher Scott; Cooper, Lorne (2010): Estimating Mine Inflow Rates Real Time Using Analytical Methods.

PPTJunghans, Udo; Arndt, Olaf; Kaden, Stefan; Schätzl, Peter; Thilo, Frank; Gaedeke, Anne (2010): Results and experiences using grid-based optimization in groundwater management.

PPTKalin, Margarete; Paulo, Carlos; Sleep, Brent (2010): Proactive Prevention of Acid Generation: Reduction /Inhibition of Sulphide Oxidation.

PPTKalin, Margarete (2010): 1. Microbes and their habitats – the Biofilm.

PPTKalin, Margarete (2010): 2. AMD Contaminated Lakes and Sediments Source Control: South Bay, Ontario - In Situ Treatment of Sediments and Ground Water.

PPTKalin, Margarete (2010): 3. P. mine waste and pyritic waste-rock: N.Quebec P. mine waste and coarse coal waste: Devco P. mine waste and concentrate spill: Newfoundland.

PPTKarakatsanis, Kathy; Cogho, Vik (2010): Drinking Water From Mine Water Using The Hipro® Process - Optimum Coal Mine Water Reclamation Plant.

PPTKarlsson, Stefan; Allard, Bert; Bäckström, Mattias (2010): Weathering mechanisms and composition of effluents from a sulphide mine waste deposit after covering – Twenty years of field data.

PPTKing, Mark; Waldo, Perez; John, Kieley; Frits, Reidel; Eduardo, Peralta (2010): A Novel Form of "Mine Water": A Lithium Brine Deposit Under Dry Salt Lakes (Salars) in the Puna Region of Argentina.

PPTKolesárová, Jana; Rodová, Alena; Nesetril, Kamil; Zeman, Josef (2010): Arsenic occurrence and geochemical evolution of the abandoned ore mine Kank in the Czech Republic.

PPTLauzon, Nicolas (2010): Mine Water Characterization for Probabilistic Modelling and Uncertainty Analysis.

PPTLe Gal, Nils; Lagneau, Vincent; Charmoille, Arnaud (2010): Mechanisms of gas migration in flooding post-mining context.

PPTLemière, Bruno (2010): Neutralisation distance of acid drainage and migration range of pollutants.

PPTLiefferink, Mariette; Elize S, van Eeden (2010): Proactive environmental activism to promote the remediation of mined land and acid mine drainage: a success story from the South African goldfields.

PPTLim, Eddy; Beckett, Kirsty; Jaen, Wilhelm; Kumar, Atish (2010): Probabilistic Analysis of Mine Void Salinity and Lake Level Associated with Climate Change.

PPTLoredo, Jorge; Marques, Antonio; Beggs, Chris; Venegas, Marcela; Amezaga, Jaime; Rötting, Tobias; Younger, Paul (2010): Guidelines for catchment management and mining impacts in arid and semi-arid regions of South America (CAMINAR Project).

PPTMackie, Allison L; Farmer, Heather; Walsh, Margaret E (2010): Mine Water Treatment with Cement Kiln Dust (CKD).

PPTMacLeod, Glenn (2010): Innovative Uses of LIDAR Technology to assist in the Remediation of former Coal Mine Sites.

PPTMara, Septimius; Vlad, Serban Nicolae (2010): Integrated quality environmental monitoring and warning-alarming system for emergencies due to technical accidents at waste deposits in mining industry.

PPTMarchand, Geneviève; Waterhouse, John; Crisostomo, Joseph (2010): Mudstone Depressurisation behaviour in an open pit coal mine, Indonesia.

PPTMcCloskey, Kieren; Almoric, Etienne; Bessbousse, Haad; Mezailles, Nicolas; Van Zutphen, Steven (2010): Magpie Polymers – selective heavy metal capture.

PPTMetschies, Thomas; Gantar, Ivan; Dolenc, Peter; Paul, Michael (2010): Remediation of an Uranium Mining Waste Rock Pile in Slovenia.

PPTMey, Wendy Sue (2010): Mine Water Reclamation and Reuse Schemes – What’s In It for Us?.

PPTMirgorodsky, Daniel; Ollivier, Delphine; Merten, Dirk; Büchel, Georg; Willscher, Sabine; Jablonski, Lukasz; Wittig, Juliane; Werner, Peter (2010): Phytoremediation experiments on a slightly contaminated test field of a former uranium mining site..

PPTMuhlbauer, Ritva; Raja, Sashnee; de Villiers, Div; Pulles, William; Clark, Sharon; Heath, Ralph (2010): Implementation of a demonstration scale Integrated Managed Passive (IMPI) process.

PPTMüller, Mike; Eulitz, Katja (2010): Characterizing Water Quality of Pit Lake through Modeling.

PPTMüller, Mike; Jolas, Peter; Mansel, Holger; Struzina, Michael; Drebenstedt, Carsten (2010): Dewatering of Multi-aquifer Unconsolidated Rock Opencast Mines – Alternative Solutions with Horizontal Wells.

PPTNason, Peter Alexander; Alakangas, Lena Inger; Öhlander, Björn (2010): The Effectiveness of Using Sewage Sludge as a Sealing Layer on Sulphide-rich Mine Tailings: A Pilot-scale Experiment, Northern Sweden.

PPTNairn, R.; LaBar, J.; Strevett, K.; Strosnider, W.; Morris, D.; Neely, C.; Garrido, A.; Santamaria, B.; Oxenford, L.; Kauk, K,; Carter, S.; Furneaux, B. (2010): A Large Multi-Cell Passive System for Net-Alkaline Ferruginous Lead-Zinc Mine Waters.

PPTNavratil, James D.; Akin, Andrew C. (2010): Use of Recycled Concrete and Magnetite for Mine Water Treatment and Metal Recovery.

PPTNelson, Mark Richard; Hazen, Gary L.; Fundingsland, Stephen D (2010): Mine Water Remediation at Large Scale Metal Mines: Balancing Near-Term Expenditures for Source Control with Long-Term Expenditures for Collection and Treatment.

PPTNoack, Greg; Clelland, Lawrence; Ross, Trevor; Donato, Randy (2010): Controlling Surface Water at One of Canada’s Largest Base Metals Operations: From Legacy Challenges to Environmental Award Winner.

PPTNordstrom, D. Kirk; McCleskey, R. Blaine; Ball, James W. (2010): Challenges in the analysis and interpretation of acidic waters.

PPTOliphant, David S; Christophersen, David (2010): Three-Phase Mining Effluent Treatment Plant To Meet Stringent Standards.

PPTPalumbo-Roe, Barbara; Banks, Vanessa; Chenery, Simon; Weiss, Dominik (2010): Tracing sources and fate of zinc in a mining-impacted river catchment: insights from flow measurements, synoptic sampling and zinc isotopes.

PPTPaul, Michael; Meyer, Jürgen; Jenk, Ulf; Jahn, Sylvia; Klemm, Werner (2010): Investigation of arsenic emissions from flooded ore mines of the Westerzgebirge region, Saxony, Germany.

PPTPlante, Benoît; Benzaazoua, Mostafa; Pepin, Geneviève; Bussière, Bruno (2010): Evaluation of the Ni-contaminated neutral drainage generation potential in the Tio mine waste rocks.

PPTPrice, William Andrew (2010): Acid base accounting criteria used in prediction of drainage chemistry.

PPTRüde, Thomas R.; Banning, Andre; Klauder, Wiebke; Roger, Sebastian; Vinzelberg, Gero (2010): Improving the effectiveness of wells for lignite mine dewatering.

PPTSartz, Lotta; Bäckström, Mattias; Karlsson, Stefan; Sjöberg, Viktor (2010): ARD treatment in sequential filter sections - efficiency of different alkaline waste materials.

PPTSeok, Eunjeong; Gale, John (2010): Scaling-up Fracture Pore Space Permeability - Approach to Mine Water Inflow Prediction.

PPTSeok, Eunjeong; Gale, John (2010): Basic Concepts and Approaches to Mine Water Management in Complex Fractured Rock Environments.

PPTShea, Joe (2010): Innovative Management Techniques to deal with Mine Water Issues in the Sydney Coal Field, Nova Scotia, Canada.

PPTSilva, Renato; Rubio, Jorge (2010): The Neutralization-Flocculation-Lamellar Settling (NF-LS) process in the treatment of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) from Coal Mines in South Brazil. Comparative processes and new basis for sulphate ions removal.

PPTSingh, R.N.; Stace, R.; Pathan, A.G.; Doulati Ardejani, F.; Atkins, A.S. (2010): Hydrogeological Assessment of the Thar Lignite Prospect.

PPTSjöberg, Viktor; Karlsson, Stefan; Sartz, Lotta (2010): Release of vanadium from LD-slag by exposure to ARD.

PPTSjöblom, Åsa; Håkansson, Karsten; Allard, Bert (2010): Particulate matter as scavenger and carrier of trace metals in simulated mine water.

PPTSobolewski, Andre (2010): Benefits of using liquid carbon sources for passive treatment systems.

PPTTsukamoto, Timothy K.; Weems, Vance (2010): Semi-Passive Bioreactors for Treatment of Acid Mine Drainage.

PPTTutu, Hlanganani; Dlamini, Sthembile; Bakatula, Elisee; Rosenberg, Edward; Kailasam, Varadharajan; Cukrowska, Ewa Maria (2010): Application of silica polyamine composites for the removal of metals from mine wastewaters.

PPTUsher, Brent H; Strachotta, Chris; Strand, Roald; Jackson, James (2010): Linking fundamental geochemistry and empirical observations for water quality predictions using Goldsim.

PPTVaute, Laurent; Le Pape, Pierre; Collon-Drouaillet, Pauline; Fabriol, Robert (2010): Modelling the long-term evolution of groundwater's quality in a flooded iron-ore mine using a reactive transport pipe network model.

PPTVerburg, Rens; Chatwin, Terrence (2010): The Global Acid Rock Drainage Guide (GARD Guide) – Best Management Practices for Acid Prevention.

PPTVermeulen, Petrus Daniel (2010): The assessment of mine rebound and decanting in deeper coal mines.

PPTVigânico, Eunice Maria; Silva, Rodrigo Almeida (2010): Hydrometallurgical/UV Process to Produce Ferrous Sulfate from the Pyrite Present in Coal Tailings.

PPTVillain, Lucile; Alakangas, Lena; Öhlander, Björn (2010): Geochemical Evaluation of Mine Water Quality in an Open-pit Site Remediated by Backfilling and Sealing.

PPTWang, Changshen; Bai, Haibo; Liu, Shucai (2010): Mine Water Issues in China.

PPTWarkentin, Doug; Chow, Norm; Nacu, Anca (2010): Expanding Sulphide Use for Metal Recovery from Mine Water.

PPTWarrender, Ruth; Pearce, Nick; Perkins, Bill; Brown, Andy; Sapsford, Devin; Bowell, Rob; Dey, Matt (2010): Field Trials of Low-Cost Permeable Reactive Media for the Passive Treatment of Circum-Neutral Metal Mine Drainage in mid-Wales, UK.

PPTWeyer, Jürgen (2010): CO2 in underground openings and mine rescue training.

PPTWillscher, Sabine; Hertwig, Thomas; Felix, Manfred; Sohr, Antje (2010): Environmental Impact of Differently Remediated Hard Coal Overburden and Tailings Dumps a Few Decades after Remediation.

PPTWolkersdorfer, Christian (2010): Tracer Test in A Settling Pond

PPTYim, Gil Jae; Cheong, Young Wook; Min, Dae Sik; Ji, Sang Woo (2010): Effects of capillary zone on water movement in soil column with tailings.

PPTYounger, Paul Lawrence (2010): Water Management Issues in the Underground Gasification of Coal and the Subsequent Use of the Voids for Long-Term Carbon Dioxide Storage.

PPTZiemkiewicz, Paul; O'Neal, Melissa (2010): Selenium leaching kinetics and in-situ control.

PPTZiemkiewicz, Paul; Peckham, Donald; Kehoe, Alan (2010): Evaluating the effects of moving to a low maintenance ARD control strategy at the Victoria Junction coal tailings site.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 23 August 2011 15:43  

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News Flash

Not all mines produce Acid Mine Drainage or Acid Rock Drainage - in many cases the drainage water quality is very good.