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Home IMWA Meetings Proceedings Proceedings 2003

8th International Mine Water Association Congress

Johannesburg, South Africa 2003

PDFMerwe, W. v. & Lea, I. (2003): Towards sustainable mine water treatment at Grootvlei mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 25-36, 4 fig., 9 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFPluta, I. & Jackowicz-Korczynski, J. (2003): Acid mine process in Polish coal mines, the Niwka-Modrzej ó w coal mine example. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 37-41, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSimon, F.-G., Biermann, V. & Csicsák, J. (2003): Uranium removal using elemental iron and hydroxyapatite in permeable reactive barriers. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 43-55, 8 fig., 5 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFGeldenhuys, A. J., Maree, J. P., Fourie, W. J., Smit, J. J., Bladergroen, B. J. & Tjati, M. (2003): Acid mine drainage treated electrolytically for recovery of hydrogen, iron (II) oxidation and sulphur production. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 57-71, 9 fig., 6 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWaterhouse, J., Murie, A. & Thomson, D. (2003): Groundwater inflows and management at Emily Ann and Maggie Hays underground nickel mines, Western Australia. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 73-81, 5 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFJohnson, K. L. (2003): Oxidative passive treatment to remove Mn2+ from mine waters: What is the best substrate?– In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 85-97, 7 fig., 5 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFEloff, E., Greben, H. A., Maree, J. P., Radebe, B. V. & Gomes, R. E. (2003): Biological sulphate removal using hydrogen as the energy source. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 99-108, 3 fig., 5 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSammarco, O., Ovi, M. & Costabile, M. (2003): Forecast of emergency situations owing to excessive water inflows into tailings ponds. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 109-127, 8 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFRežun, B. & Dizdareviè, T. (2003): Recent findings on the influence of pit waters on the shutdown of the Idrija mercury mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 129-135, 4 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFTutu, H., Cukrowska, E., McCarthy, T. p., Mphephu, N. F. & Hart, R. (2003): Determination and modelling of geochemical speciation of uranium in gold mine polluted land in South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 137-155, 10 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHeinz, W. F. (2003): Water control and mining grouting a South African historical perspective. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 159-171, 3 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSingh, R. N. & Ardejani, F. D. (2003): Evaluation of factors affecting pyrite oxidation and subsequent pollutant generation in backfilled open cut coal mines. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 173-186, 17 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFKunze, C. & Küchler, A. (2003): Passive biological treatment systems of mine waters at WISMUT sites. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 187-199, 10 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFCoetzee, H., Horstmann, U., Ntsume, G. & Croukamp, L. (2003): The potential environmental impact of the decant of water from Witwatersrand. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 201-217, 10 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWitkowski, A. J., Motyka, J. & Wróbel, J. (2003): Assessment of potential risk of groundwater contamination in areas subjected to the intensive mining drainage – Case study from Poland – Olkusz Zn-Pb ore mining region. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 221-234, 9 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSalmon, D. A. (2003): Water management at a large opencast strip coal mine in South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 235-248, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHarding, W., Connelly, R. J. & Contreras, L. F. (2003): Evaluating the role of groundwater in the stability of slopes in an open pit coal mine with shallow dipping multi-seam stratigraphy. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 249-264, 5 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFCouto, R. (2003): The use of a floating raft and walkway to replace the conventional timber walkway and penstock on tailings dams. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 265-274, 7 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFGovender, K., Cukrowska, E. & McCarthy, T. S. (2003): Modeling and chemometric evaluation of acid mine drainage from gold mining in Johannesburg, South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – 277 p.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFPlinke, M. & Wildhagen, E. (2003): Mining and water in Germany – Legal framework and technical aspects. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 279-286; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBolzicco, J., Ayora, C., Rötting, T. & Carrera, J. (2003): Performance of the Aznalc ó llar permeable reactive barrier. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 287-299, 10 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHague, I. & Germishuys, L. (2003): Practical aspects of watersealing at Konkola copper mine, Zambia. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 301-310, 8 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWeiersbye, I. M. & Witkowski, E. T. F. (2003): Acid rock drainage (ARD) from gold tailings dams on the Witwatersrand basin impacts on tree seed fate, viability, inorganic content and seedling morphology. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 311-328, 4 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFPeplow, D. (2003): Distinguishing natural from man-caused trace element contamination using causal inferential methods for Ecoepidemiologists. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 331-349, 9 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFMelbye, T., Hognestad, H.-O. & Dimmock, R. (2003): Pre-Injection technology for mines. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 351-365, 8 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFGünther, P., Maree, J. P., Strobos, G. & Mtimikulu, J. p. (2003): Neutralisation of acid leachate in a coal processing plant with calcium carbonate. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 367-382, 10 fig., 5 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFTavcar, P., Gantar, I., Repinc, U., Jacopic, R. & Benedik, L. (2003): Determination of long-lived radionuclides in underground water. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 383-389, 3 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFDudgeon, B. & Younger, P. (2003): The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater inflow to ventilated underground voids. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 391-400, 6 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBowell, R. J., Kabellega, D., Knol, R., Mclveen, G., Rees, S. B., Shoo, K. & Stephen, R. (2003): Establishing a geochemical baseline for environmental assessment at the Geita mine, Tanzania. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 403-421, 6 fig., 8 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBezuidenhout, N., Brown, A., Sutherland, F., Wates, J., Kotze, A., Nussey, G. & Niekerk, J. v. (2003): Advances made in mine water management at Sasol Mining during the past eight years. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 423-431, 2 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWolkersdorfer, C., Tamme, S. & Hasche, A. (2003): Natural attenuation of iron rich mine water by a surface brook. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 433-439, 7 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFLea, I., Waygood, C. & Duthie, A. (2003): Water management strategies to reduce longterm liabilities at Grootvlei gold mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 441-449, 7 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFAnnandale, J. G., Jovanovic, N. Z., Hodgson, F. D. I., Usher, B., Aken, M. E., Van Der Westhuizen, A. M., Bristow, K. L. & Steyn, J. M. (2003): Prediction of the environmental impact and sustainability of large scale irrigation with gypsiferous mine water on groundwater resources. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 453-463, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFYang, C. & Wang, Z. (2003): Upward-pumping and downward-drainage water draining (UDWD) method and raised-bore drilling technology (CBT) - New techniques employed in shaft construction. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 465-475, 3 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWeyer, J. (2003): Collapse of the adit “Rothschönberger Stollen” as a result of the flood on 12/13 August 2002. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 477-492, 24 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFFrolik, A., Kubica, J. & Gzyl, G. (2003): Protection of drinking water supplies during partial closure of the mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 493-502, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFOhimain, E. I. (2003): Environmental Impacts of oil mining activities in the Niger Delta Mangrove Ecosystem. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 503-517, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFTutu, H., Cukrowska, E., McCarthy, T. p., Mphephu, N. F. & Hart, R. (2003): Determination and modelling of geochemical speciation of uranium in gold mine polluted land in South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 137-155, 10 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHeinz, W. F. (2003): Water control and mining grouting a South African historical perspective. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 159-171, 3 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSingh, R. N. & Ardejani, F. D. (2003): Evaluation of factors affecting pyrite oxidation and subsequent pollutant generation in backfilled open cut coal mines. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 173-186, 17 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFKunze, C. & Küchler, A. (2003): Passive biological treatment systems of mine waters at WISMUT sites. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 187-199, 10 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFCoetzee, H., Horstmann, U., Ntsume, G. & Croukamp, L. (2003): The potential environmental impact of the decant of water from Witwatersrand. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 201-217, 10 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWitkowski, A. J., Motyka, J. & Wróbel, J. (2003): Assessment of potential risk of groundwater contamination in areas subjected to the intensive mining drainage – Case study from Poland – Olkusz Zn-Pb ore mining region. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 221-234, 9 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFSalmon, D. A. (2003): Water management at a large opencast strip coal mine in South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 235-248, 4 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHarding, W., Connelly, R. J. & Contreras, L. F. (2003): Evaluating the role of groundwater in the stability of slopes in an open pit coal mine with shallow dipping multi-seam stratigraphy. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 249-264, 5 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFCouto, R. (2003): The use of a floating raft and walkway to replace the conventional timber walkway and penstock on tailings dams. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 265-274, 7 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFGovender, K., Cukrowska, E. & McCarthy, T. S. (2003): Modeling and chemometric evaluation of acid mine drainage from gold mining in Johannesburg, South Africa. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – 277 p.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFPlinke, M. & Wildhagen, E. (2003): Mining and water in Germany – Legal framework and technical aspects. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 279-286; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBolzicco, J., Ayora, C., Rötting, T. & Carrera, J. (2003): Performance of the Aznalc ó llar permeable reactive barrier. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 287-299, 10 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFHague, I. & Germishuys, L. (2003): Practical aspects of watersealing at Konkola copper mine, Zambia. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 301-310, 8 fig., 2 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWeiersbye, I. M. & Witkowski, E. T. F. (2003): Acid rock drainage (ARD) from gold tailings dams on the Witwatersrand basin impacts on tree seed fate, viability, inorganic content and seedling morphology. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 311-328, 4 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFPeplow, D. (2003): Distinguishing natural from man-caused trace element contamination using causal inferential methods for Ecoepidemiologists. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 331-349, 9 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFMelbye, T., Hognestad, H.-O. & Dimmock, R. (2003): Pre-Injection technology for mines. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 351-365, 8 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFGünther, P., Maree, J. P., Strobos, G. & Mtimikulu, J. p. (2003): Neutralisation of acid leachate in a coal processing plant with calcium carbonate. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 367-382, 10 fig., 5 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFTavcar, P., Gantar, I., Repinc, U., Jacopic, R. & Benedik, L. (2003): Determination of long-lived radionuclides in underground water. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 383-389, 3 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFDudgeon, B. & Younger, P. (2003): The hydrogeochemical evolution of groundwater inflow to ventilated underground voids. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 391-400, 6 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBowell, R. J., Kabellega, D., Knol, R., Mclveen, G., Rees, S. B., Shoo, K. & Stephen, R. (2003): Establishing a geochemical baseline for environmental assessment at the Geita mine, Tanzania. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 403-421, 6 fig., 8 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFBezuidenhout, N., Brown, A., Sutherland, F., Wates, J., Kotze, A., Nussey, G. & Niekerk, J. v. (2003): Advances made in mine water management at Sasol Mining during the past eight years. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 423-431, 2 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWolkersdorfer, C., Tamme, S. & Hasche, A. (2003): Natural attenuation of iron rich mine water by a surface brook. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 433-439, 7 fig.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFLea, I., Waygood, C. & Duthie, A. (2003): Water management strategies to reduce longterm liabilities at Grootvlei gold mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 441-449, 7 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFAnnandale, J. G., Jovanovic, N. Z., Hodgson, F. D. I., Usher, B., Aken, M. E., Van Der Westhuizen, A. M., Bristow, K. L. & Steyn, J. M. (2003): Prediction of the environmental impact and sustainability of large scale irrigation with gypsiferous mine water on groundwater resources. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 453-463, 2 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFYang, C. & Wang, Z. (2003): Upward-pumping and downward-drainage water draining (UDWD) method and raised-bore drilling technology (CBT) - New techniques employed in shaft construction. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 465-475, 3 fig., 4 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFWeyer, J. (2003): Collapse of the adit “Rothschönberger Stollen” as a result of the flood on 12/13 August 2002. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 477-492, 24 fig., 1 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFFrolik, A., Kubica, J. & Gzyl, G. (2003): Protection of drinking water supplies during partial closure of the mine. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 493-502, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

PDFOhimain, E. I. (2003): Environmental Impacts of oil mining activities in the Niger Delta Mangrove Ecosystem. – In: Nel, P. J. L.: Mine Water and the Environment. – p. 503-517, 3 fig., 3 tab.; Johannesburg (Proceedings, 8th International Mine Water Association Congress).

8th International Mine Water Association Congress
Last Updated on Sunday, 12 February 2012 00:01  

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