IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home IMWA Meetings IMWA Symposia

2001 Belo Horizonte, Brazil

Mine Water and the Environment Proceedings


1999 Sevilla, Spain

Tailings Dams, Mine Water, and Mine Closure Proceedings


1998 Johannesburg, South Africa

Mine Water and Environmental Impacts Proceedings


1996 Portorož (Portorose), Slovenia

Engineering in Karst Proceedings


1995 Denver, USA

Water Resources at Risk Proceedings


1993 Chililabombwe, Zambia

1st African Mine Water Symposium Proceedings


1990 Lisbon, Portugal

Acid Mine Water in Pyritic Environment Proceedings


1987 Katowice, Poland

Hydrogeology of Coal Basins Proceedings


1986 Nottingham, United Kingdom

Some Current Ground Water Problems in Miningpdfics


1979 Denver/CO, USA

Mine Drainage (1st International Mine Drainage Symposium) Proceedings


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IWMA's members promote an integrated approach to mine water management, combining specialist expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology and water quality with geotechnical, environmental and mining skills. Our extensive experience in wet, arid and cold climates enables us to provide cost-effective, practical solutions for your project, and identify methods for more efficient utilisation of water in mining and mineral processing.

(from one of our member web sites)