IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home FAQs Figures Which graphic packages shall I use?

Which graphic packages shall I use?

Scatter plots, bar plots box plots: Please use SigmaPlot, Origin, Grapher, IGOR Pro, or the free software tool gnuplot ( Avoid MS Excel for scientific graphs, as those graphs usually don’t look nice. In all cases avoid hairlines, all lines must have at least 1 px width. Hairlines can not be printed in a high quality printing process, because they are thinner than the printer's resolution.

Last Updated on Sunday, 15 April 2012 02:46  

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IWMA's members promote an integrated approach to mine water management, combining specialist expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology and water quality with geotechnical, environmental and mining skills. Our extensive experience in wet, arid and cold climates enables us to provide cost-effective, practical solutions for your project, and identify methods for more efficient utilisation of water in mining and mineral processing.

(from one of our member web sites)