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Home Editorial Board

Mine Water and the Environment — Editorial Board



Dr. Bob Kleinmann
2737 Beechwood Boulevard
Pittsburgh, PA 15217, USA
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Dr. Anne Weber
Leipzig, Germany
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Managing Editor

Prof. Dr. habil. Christian Wolkersdorfer
Tshwane University of Technology
Pretoria, South Africa
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Associate Editors

Mostafa Benzaazoua
Universite du Quebec en Abitibi Temiscamingue, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada

Melanie Blanchette
Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, Australia

Carlos Ruiz Cánovas
Universidad de Huelva, Huelva, Spain

Donglin Dong
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China

Shuning Dong
Xi'an research institute of CCTEG, Xi'an, China

Grant Douglas
CSIRO, Floreat, Australia

Rodrigo Jr. Embile
DHI, Stockholm, Sweden

Jasnowski-Peters Henning
Technische Hochschule Georg Agricola, Research Center of Post-Mining, Bochum, Germany

Candace L. Kairies-Beatty
Winona State University, Winona, USA

Dukmin Kim
Sangji University, Wonju, South Korea

Jeff Langman
University of Idaho, Moscow, USA

Peiyue Li
Chang’an University, China

Wenping Li
China University of Mining and Technology, Beijing, China

Ann Maest
Buka Environmental, Boulder, USA

Steven Meyerhoff
Itasca Denver Inc., Lakewood, USA

Len Murray
Klohn Crippen Berger Ltd., Vancouver, Canada

Robert Nairn
University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA

Benoît Plante
Université du Québec, Rouyn-Noranda, Canada

Pierre Rousseau
SRK Consulting, Perth, Australia

Abhay Kumar Singh
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research, Dhanbad, India

Gideon Steyl
South32, Perth, Australia

Purushotham Tukkaraja
South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, USA

Viswanath Ravi Kumar Vadapalli
Council for Geoscience, Pretoria, South Africa

Teresa Valente
Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal

Robert van Hille
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

Hao Wang
Xi'an Research Institute of CCTEG, Xi'an, China

Carl Williams
SRK Consulting, Cardiff, UK

Qiang Wu
China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China

Yifan Zeng
China University of Mining & Technology, Beijing, China

Wanfang Zhou
ERT Inc, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

International Editorial Board

Prof. Rafael Fernández-Rubio
Madrid, Spain
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Dr. Kirk Nordstrom
Boulder, USA
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Prof. Dr. Changshen Wang
China University of Mining and Technology
Xuzhou, China
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Prof. Edgardo Donati
Universidad Nacional de la Plata
La Plata, Argentinia
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Dr Ian Watson
The Coal Authority
Mansfield, UK
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Prof. Rachid Hakkou
Université Cadi Ayyad
Marrakesh, Morocco
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Prof. Rosa Cidu
University of Cagliari
Cagliari, Italy
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Dr. Abhay K. Soni
Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research
Nagpur, India
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Matthew McGann
Newmont Mining Corporation
Miraflores, Peru
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Abstract Translators

flag_chinaChinese   flag_germanyGerman   flag_spainflag_argentiniaSpanish
Prof Dr Changshen Wang Dr Jörn Geletneky
Helmuth Landsmann
Joscha Opitz
Prof Dr Walter Pohl
Dr Martin Schultze
Dr Wilfried Uhlmann
Kai-Uwe Ulrich
Prof Edgardo Donati
Maria Almudena Ordoñez Alonso
Rodrigo Álvarez Garcia
Carlos Ruiz Canovas

Translation Management: Josepha Zielke (South Africa)

Last Updated on Tuesday, 13 August 2024 07:49  

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News Flash

Mine Water is the water that collects in both surface and underground mines. It comes from the inflow of rain or surface water and from groundwater seepage. During the active life of the mine, water is pumped out to keep the mine dry and to allow access to the ore body. Pumped water may be used in the extraction process, pumped to tailings impoundments, used for activities like dust control, or discharged as a waste. The water can be of the same quality as drinking water, or it can be very acidic and laden with high concentrations of potentially toxic elements.

(from UNEP/GRID-Arenda web site)