IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Home Mine Water Weblinks
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61   Link   Society of Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration
62   Link   South Dakota School of Mines and Technology
63   Link   The Association of Iron and Steel Engineers
64   Link   The Center for Energy & Economic Development
65   Link   The Centre for Petroleum and Mineral Law and Policy, Dundee
66   Link   The Gold Institute
67   Link   The Coal Authority
68   Link   The Institution of Mining and Metallurgy
69   Link   The Mine Site
70   Link   The Mining Association of Canada
71   Link   The Silver Institute
72   Link   The White House
73   Link   U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs Division of Energy & Mineral Resources
74   Link   U.S. Bureau of Land Management
75   Link   U.S. Department of the Interior
76   Link   U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
77   Link   U.S. Geological Survey
78   Link   U.S. Mine Safety and Health Administration
79   Link   U.S. Office of Surface Mining
80   Link   United Mine Workers of America
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IWMA's members promote an integrated approach to mine water management, combining specialist expertise in hydrology, hydraulics, hydrogeology and water quality with geotechnical, environmental and mining skills. Our extensive experience in wet, arid and cold climates enables us to provide cost-effective, practical solutions for your project, and identify methods for more efficient utilisation of water in mining and mineral processing.

(from one of our member web sites)