IMWA - International Mine Water Association

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Proceedings 2004

“International Mine Water Association Symposium” – mine water 2004

Newcastle upon Tyne, UK 2004

Volume 1

PDFPotter, H., Bone, B., Forster, J., Chatfield, P. & Tate, G. (2004): The Environment Agency`s approach to Mining Pollution. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 1-10, 2 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFAmezaga, J. M. & Younger, P. L. (2004): Mine Water Policy in the UK and the proposed Directive on Mine Waste. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 11-16, 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFJohnston, D. (2004): A metal mines strategy for Wales. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 17-23, 1 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFCoulton, R., Bullen, C., Williams, C. & Williams, K. (2004): The formation of high density sludge from minewater with low iron concentrations. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 24-30, 9 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFDudeney, A. W. L., Neville, K. J., Tarasova, I., Heath, A. O. D. & Smith, S. R. (2004): Utilisation of ochreous Sludge as a Soil Amendment. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 31-40, 4 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFAmezaga, J. M. & Younger, P. L. (2004): ERMITE: Supporting European Policy making on Mine Waste and Waters. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 41-46, 1 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFLoredo, J., Álvarez, R., Ordónez, A. & Pendás, F. (2004): The Spanish Mine Water Policy and linked EU Directives. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 47-52, 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFTremblay, G., Hogan, C. & Gardiner, E. (2004): Experience of Canadian Partnership Programs - MEND and NOAMI. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 53-60; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFBurke, S. & Barber, J. (2004): An Overview of Mine Water Rebound in the South Yorkshire Coalfield. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 61-66, 5 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFHall, J. & Dodds, J. (2004): Groundwater Management planning at an East African Gold Mine. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 67-76, 4 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFShaw, S., Dunlap, S. & Maehl, B. (2004): Evaluating the relative Risks of Pit Reclamation Alternatives at the Golden Sunlight Mine (Montana, USA); a Multiple Accounts Analysis. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 77-84, 2 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFThienenkamp, M. (2004): Post-Closure Mine Hydrology and its Impact on Underground Tailings disposal at the Thalanga Mine, Queensland, Australia. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 85-90, 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFRäisänen, M. L. & Juntunen, P. (2004): Decommissioning of the old pyritic tailings Facility previously used in a Talc Operation, eastern Finland. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 91-100, 4 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFBaresel, C. & Destouni, G. (2004): Cost-effective Abatement of stochastic Metal Loading to Water recipients. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 101-106, 3 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFBryan, C. G., Hallberg, K. B. & Johnson, D. B. (2004): Microbial populations in surface spoil at the abandoned Mynydd Parys copper mines. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 107-112, 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFCoupland, K., Rowe, O., Hallberg, K. B. & Johnson, D. B. (2004): Biogeochemistry of a subterranean acidic mine water body at an abandoned copper mine. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 113-119, 4 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFArdejani, F. D. & Singh, R. N. (2004): Two-Dimensional Simulation of Pyrite Oxidation and pollutant Transport in backfilled Open Cut Coal Mines. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 121-132, 10 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFWalder, I. F., Carr, D., Lee, J. S. & Williamson, A. (2004): Similarities in hydrogeochemical Processes between Ore Deposition Formation and acid Mine Drainage. Example near a Porphyry Copper Mine. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 133-140, 5 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFNordstrom, D. K. (2004): From research to remediation: application of hydrogeochemical research for effective mine site remediation. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 141-148, 3 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFKories, H., Rüterkamp, P. & Sippel, M. (2004): Field and numerical studies of water stratification in flooded shafts. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 149-159, 13 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFWolkersdorfer, C. & Wackwitz, T. (2004): Antimony Anomalies around abandoned Silver Mines in Tyrol/Austria. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 161-167, 4 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFIribar, V. (2004): Origin of neutral Mine Water in flooded Underground Mines: an Appraisal using geochemical and hydrogeological Methodologies. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 169-178, 6 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFEspana, J. S., Pamo, E. L., Santofimia, E., Aduvire, O., Reyes, J. & Barettino, D. (2004): Geochemistry and Mineralogy of AMD in the Iberian Pyrite Belt (Spain). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 179-184, 7 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFPena, E., Suárez, J., Sánchez-Tembleque, F., Jácome, A. & Puertas, J. (2004): Characterization of polluted Runoff in a Granite Mine, Galicia (Spain). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 185-194, 5 Fig., 5 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFLoredo, J., Álvarez, R., Ordónez, A. & Pendás, F. (2004): Water Arsenic Pollution related to historic Mercury Mining in Asturias (Spain). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 195-200, 2 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFDimitrakopoulos, D. & Grigorakou, E. (2004): Aquatic Balance of Vegoritis Lake, West Macedonia, Greece, ralated to Mining Activity. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 201-207, 3 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFMullinger, N. (2004): Assessing the Impacts of Metal Mines in Wales. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 209-217, 2 Fig., 9 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFRüde, T. (2004): Natural acid drainage laboratory: lessons from the Rötlbach (Zillertal Alps/Austria). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 219-224, 3 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFGallinger, R. & Fleury, A.-M. (2004): The international Network for Acid Prevention (INAP) - progress on a global Issue. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 225-226; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFHallberg, K. B. & Rolfe, S. J. D. B. (2004): The microbiology of passive remediation technologies for mine drainage treatment. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 227-233, 2 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFRees, S. B., Bright, P., Connelly, R., Bowell, R. J. & Szabo, E. (2004): Application of the Welsh Mine Water Strategy: Cwmrheidol Case Study. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 235-244, 5 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFJenk, U., Paul, M., Ziegenbalg, G. & Klinger, C. (2004): Alternative Methods of Mine Water Treatment - Feasibility and technical Limitations for a Full-Scale Application at WISMUT's Königstein Mine Site (Germany). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 245-252, 5 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFPulles, W., Coetser, L., Heath, R. & Muhlbauer, R. (2004): Development of high-rate passive sulphate reduction technology for mine waters. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 1. – p. 253-262, 8 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

Volume 2

PDFHeal, K., Younger, P., Smith, K., Quinn, P., Glendinning, S., Aumônier, J., Dobbie, K., McHaffie, H., Dimoliatis, D., Bush, A., Bozika, E., Tatsi, E., Simpson, A. & Sweetman, R. (2004): A sustainable Use of Ochre from Mine Water Treatment Plants for phosphorus Removal and Recycling. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 1-7, 2 Fig., 5 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFMkandawire, M., Dudel, E. G. & Taubert, B. (2004): Accumulation of Uranium in Lemna Gibba L. in Relation to Milieu Conditions of Tailing Waters in abandoned Uranium Mines in Germany. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 9-17, 5 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFSchöner, A., Noubactep, C. & Sauter, M. (2004): Assessment of Uranium Retention in Wetlands: Characterisation of Bonding Strength, Considerations regarding reductive Precipitation. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 19-24; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFDudel, G. E., Brackhage, C., Dienemann, H., Mkandawire, M. & Weiske, A. (2004): Capacity of natural Attenuation of Trace Contaminants from Uranium Mine Tailing Waters in nature-like constructed Wetlands. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 25-33, 3 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFÁlvarez, R., Ordónez, A., Martínez, T., Loredo, J., Pendás, F. & Younger, P. (2004): Passive Treatment for the Removal of Residual Cyanide in Drainage from closed Gold Mine Tailing Ponds. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 35-41, 2 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFFigueroa, L., Seyler, J. & Wildeman, T. (2004): Characterization of organic Substrates used for anaerobic Bioremediation of mining impacted Waters. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 43-52, 5 Fig., 5 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFVan Roy, S., Vanbroekhoven, K., Dejonghe, W. & Diels, L. (2004): Immobilization of Heavy Metals in the saturated Zone by Sorption and in situ Bioprecipitaion Processes. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 53-60, 4 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFGibert, O., Rötting, T., De Pablo, J., Cortina, J. L., Bolzicco, J., Carrera, J. & Ayora, C. (2004): Metal Retention Mechanisms for the Aznalcóllar permeable reactive Barrier (SW Spain). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 61-68, 7 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFDoyle, A. & Palmer, L. (2004): Spoil Heap Leachate Remediation: Some Social Considerations. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 69-74; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFBowell, R. J. (2004): A review of sulphate removal options for mine waters. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 75-91, 6 Fig., 7 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFGreben, H. A., Tjatji, M. & Maree, J. P. (2004): COD/SO4 Ratios using Propionate and Acetate as the Energy Source for the Biological Sulphate Removal in Acid Mine Drainage. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 93-99, 3 Fig., 4 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFKoschorreck, M., Kunze, T., Luther, G., Bozau, E. & Wendt-Potthoff, K. (2004): Accumulation and Inhibitory Effects of Acetate in a Sulphate reducing in situ Reactor for the Treatment of an acidic Pit Lake. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 101-109, 3 Fig., 4 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFRose, P., Corbett, C., Neba, A. & Whittington-Jones, K. (2004): Sewage Sludge as an electron donor in biological Mine Wastewater Treatment: Development of the Rhodes BioSURE Process®. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 111-118, 9 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFCoulton, R., Bullen, C., Williams, K., Dey, M. & Jarvis, A. (2004): Active treatment of high salinity mine water. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 119-124, 3 Fig., 6 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFCroxford, S. J., England, A. & Jarvis, A. P. (2004): Application of the PHREEQC geochemical Computer Model during the Design and Operation of UK Mine Water Treatment Schemes. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 125-134, 8 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFZandvoort, M. H., van Hullebusch, E. D., Lens, P. N. L. & Lettinga, G. (2004): Cobalt and Nickel Retention Capacity of anaerobic granular Sludge in methanol-fed UASB Reactors. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 135-139, 2 Fig., 3 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFvan Hille, R., Foster, T., Storey, A., Duncan, J. & Lewis, A. (2004): Heavy Metal Precipitation by Sulphide and Bicarbonate: Evaluating Methods to predict anaerobic Digester Overflow Performance. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 141-150, 6 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFJohnson, D. B., Rowe, O., Kimura, S. & Hallberg, K. B. (2004): Development of an integrated microbiological Approach for Remediation of Acid Mine Drainage and Recovery of Heavy Metals. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 151-157, 4 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFBurghardt, D. & Kassahun, A. (2004): Design of a Treatment Zone Technology for in-situ Immobilisation of Uranium and Arsenic. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 159-165, 7 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFMatthes, R. & Bismarck, F. V. (2004): Initiatives to enhance Water Quality in Residual Pits in the Remediation of Eastern German Lignite Mines. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 167-173, 3 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFMackie, D. & Royle, M. (2004): Assessing Groundwater Conditions in Preparation for Post Closure Reflood of the giant Mine, Canada using a 3-D Numerical Model: idealized vs reality. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 175-180, 2 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFWerner, F., Müller, M. & Graupner, B. (2004): Groundwater Surface Water Interaction of a post Lignite Mining Lake in Germany and its Relevance for the local Water Management. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 181-187, 6 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFKropka, J. (2004): Changes in Mine-Water Hydrology during the Shut-Down Process of the Zinc-Lead Ore Mines in the Bytom Region (S Poland). – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 189-194, 4 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFHolocher, J., Skrzyppek, J. & Croisé, J. (2004): Flooding of generic Salt Mine - Concept, Processes and Simulation of the post-closure Phase. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 195-200, 5 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFThienenkamp, M. (2004): Predicting Pit Water Quality for the Highway Reward Mine, Queensland, Australia. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 201-207, 1 Fig., 1 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFEckart, M., Kories, H., Rengers, R. & Unland, W. (2004): Appplication of a numerical model to facilitate mine water management in large coal fields in Germany. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 209-218, 11 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFKamkar-Rouhani, A. & Hojat, A. (2004): Determination of Groundwater and geological Factors using geoelectrical Methods to design a suitable Drainage System in Gol-e-Gohar Iron Ore Mine, Iran. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 219-224, 5 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFGantar, I. & Logar, Z. (2004): Mine waste pile Jazbec latest view of groundwater findings. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 225-233, 7 Fig., 2 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFWels, C., Findlater, L., Shaw, S. & Laurencont, T. (2004): Mt Morgan Mine - a case Study of ARD impacted Groundwater. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 235-245, 3 Fig., 4 Tab.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFFrolik, A., Gzyl, G. & Kura, K. (2004): A simple 1D MODFLOW Model for a Part of a Mine undergoing closure in Silesia, Poland. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 247-250, 2 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

PDFFernández Rubio, R. (2004): Sustainable mining – Environmental assets. – In: Jarvis, A. P., Dudgeon, B. A. & Younger, P. L.: mine water 2004 – Proceedings International Mine Water Association Symposium 2. – p. 251-271, 37 Fig.; Newcastle upon Tyne (University of Newcastle).

Last Updated on Monday, 20 February 2012 00:34  

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