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“Mine Water and the Environment”

Volume 19, Number 1, April 2000

PDFAndreichuk, V., Eraso, A. & Domínguez, M. C. (2000): A Large Sinkhole in the Verchnekamsky Potash Basin in the Urals. - Mine Water and the Environment, 19 (1): 2-18; Littleton, CO.

PDFDrury, W. J. (2000): Modeling of Sulfate Reduction in Anaerobic Solid Substrate Bioreactors for Mine Drainage Treatment. - Mine Water and the Environment, 19 (1): 19-29; Littleton, CO.

PDFOsiensky, J. L., Williams, R. E., Williams, B. & Johnson, G. (2000): Evaluation of Drawdown Curves Derived from Multiple Well Aquifer Tests in Heterogenous Environments. - Mine Water and the Environment, 19 (1): 30-55; Littleton, CO.

PDFAckman, T. (2000): Feasibility of Lime Treatment at the Leviathan Mine Using the In-Line System. - Mine Water and the Environment, 19 (1): 56-75; Littleton, CO.

Last Updated on Thursday, 16 February 2012 13:06